Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4/4: FInal prep: "God hates fags...and Amish"?/How to be saved?

On the final, there will be a questi8on, "How do you feel. and how do you feel like reacting/responding the six video clips we showed related to Westboro Baptist Church (The "God Hates Fags" Church) The first clip is directly below, and in it a church leader suggests the Amish girls (from the school shooting we are reading about in "Amish Grace") deserved to die:



#3 and #4:..How one ministry responded:

There will be a question on the final: How did you feel after watching the video of the killer's mother, and reading the interview with her in your "Amish Grace" book?
Respond in a paragraph:

There will be a question on the final:
"What did your party write down in class when attempting to summarize the question:
'From your assigned text only, how does it seem that someone can be saved/justified/forgiven/be sure of heaven?'"? (if you missed class today, analyze the text on your own:

Pharisees: Matthew ch 5 and ch. 25
Sadducees: Ephesians ch 2
Essenes: Galatians ch 3
Zealots: John 1:12, ch 3

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