Quizzes (and "missions": alternatives to quizzes_

As you read in the syllabus, there are 10 quizzes (see dates in schedule).>>> The entire quizzes with links to find the answers will be posted here, in advance of each quiz.>>>Remember, you can skip up to four quizzes by choosing alternative assigments ("missions").
These are listed on the bottom half of this page.

Quiz 1:  Jan 23.  Main quiz here.  Extra credit here

Quiz 2,: Mon Jan 3O
  • 1)List as many answers as possible to the key question of the course that we have covered so far.  (see just about every post, or type "Who is Jesus" in the search bar at top of page)
  • 2)Define : 
  • a) text: any ____ in any ____ designed to communicate _____  ( see post from  1/9   )
  •  b) sign,  any ____ in any ____ designed to communicate ___   about _______  . ( see post from  1/19    )
  •  c)culture:   a way of thinking, feeling, valuing and acting by _______________..   ( see post from  1/22  )
  •  d)gospel genre: biography/_____ with a targeted ________ purpose (TTP)  ( see post from 1/25    )
  • 3)List two things that stand out about Jesus' genealogy   ( see post from  1/23  )
  • 4)In England, they drive on the ________ side of the road   ( see post from    and "Gaithers on Crack" video on   1/27      )
  • 5)The Bible never says there were __, it never says they were_____, it never says they were ___.  But the real shocker? We know for a fact they were not at the ___________ and they were not________.   ( see post from   1.23     )
  • 6) From the "Dance Party on the beach" video (1/25), when did the Kingdom begin, according to Jewish tradition?   ( see post from  1/25   )
  • 7)From the videos on 1/27. What is the "unexpected" historical world image of the 10 Commandments?   ( see post from  1/27    )
  • 8) Tell one story from a campus field trip.  Why do we take these trips?  ( see post from  1/13   )
Quiz3:   Fri 2/3 For each symbol, give its name and a brief description. Question #8 means "List some theological/biblical questions/issues that are raised by the SOUTH PARK excerpt we watched  on 1/27).
 Answers found here:
  1.  see   1/19 post
  2. see  1/25   post
  3. see1/25 post
  4. see  1/30  post
  5. see 1/30   post
  6. see   1/30 post
  7. see  1/30  post
  8. see 1/27   post      

Quiz 4:   Mon 2/13. 1.Say as much as you can about your "party" (see 2/3 post and pp
. 221-227 of Hauer/Young book,  and pp. 63-66 of the Upside Down book)
2. Discuss how you (personally) define "sin" and how you decide which OT laws/commandments are still binding, (see 1/27 post)
3.  Respond to or argue with one of the responses to the "Which sin is greater" on the Facebook poll (see 1/27 post(bring in a copy of someone's comment and your response to it,  or write in class a response/argument).
4. What stands out about our class so far?

Quiz 5:  Fri 2/17 . Say as much as you can about this diagram>>:  see 12/10 post here

MISSIONS  ..opt out of quizzes!:

As promised (see syllabus), here are some of the "missions" you can choose if you want to skip a quiz or two (up to four allowed).

Four quizzes:
 -Francis Chan  Ministry Forum  . Attend, and write a 1-2 page response (Summarize the event, and note ways it related to class content)

-Write (or speak on video) a story or  your life story in chiastic form..  Note this should be a significant paper, probably 5-7 pages  But the point would be to tell your story (your life story,  part of your life story, or your Christian story/testimony etc) in a chiasm (or chiasms); probably best to do it in the form we have looked at (several points, say A-0).  The chiasm can be literal   (mirrored and repeated words or phrases) or thematic  (mirrored themes), but the chiasm should be evident enough that I can pick up most of it on a read through.  Be sure to add (as a separate/last  page /video, so I see it last, an explanation or "decoder" of your chiasm).The idea is to forces yourself to think in, and write in, this common "literary world" technique. Some links to get you familiar with larger chiasms in the Bible are
and here.   
Videos are here and here .

Your assignment is to write your own, having.familiarized yourself with how they function in the Bible, so remember that you are not to rewrite a Bible story, and that the center of the chiasm should somehow reflect a central or crucial  theme of the chiasm.
Two  quizzes: These  require attending an FPU program and writing a 1-page response (Summarize the event, and note ways it related to class content)

Other 2 quiz projects:

Church visit: Visit a church that is not of your tradition, and write a 1-page response (How did if feel, How were you welcomed?  What did you notice?  What was interesting?)

-Watch 3 hours  of TBN (or another Christian network and write a 1-page esponse (how does this relate or compare to class topics? What is the basic message being presented, and how does it compare to Matthew)

-Watch a movie that has Christian or biblical ideas and write a 1-page esponse(how does this relate or compare to class topics?)

-Watch the entire "Visual Bible" presentation of Matthew found on our website here. Write a 1 -page response: what stands out about WATCHING the book?

-Watch the "Amish Grace" movie here and write a  1-page summary/response/review

-Make a video (you or with classmates) in which you re-enact or re-tell the story of Jesus "temple tantrum" (Matt 21).

-Complete the JCC library quiz here.

-"Three Worlds Study" Choose a passage in Matthew, and using "three worlds" Bible study method, and quoting two online sources from the "helpful online sources" tab of our website, decide on the text's contemporary world meaning. Help, see


One quiz: Interview 10 people (video, live, facebook).  Write up their responses to:

  • Initials and approx. age
  • Name one great person
  • Why are they great

Then write a 1 -page response analyzing/summarizng responses.  Any patterns?  What does society seem to be saying about greatness

 -Write a 1 page summary of how two of the other classes you are taking relate to the themes of JCC.

-Write a 1-page summary/review of any of the Ray VanDer Laan videos we watched in class.  Include two possible answers  that each video raises about the "Who is Jesus?" question

-Write a 1-page summary of the Livermore article on set theory here